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Wednesday Clubs



The Wednesday Clubs are open every day from 1.30pm to 3.30pm (Warning: the end times of activities are staggered).

Also this term Kidoloisirs propose a "Wednesfull formule" that allows you to select an additional club from 3.30pm to 5.00pm after FOOT or TENNIS. (see clubs number 6 to 11 in the clubs list below)

All children from french classes whose parents wish to, can stay on Wednesday afternoon and attend the Wednesday Clubs.

This service that we offer to the families , allow the children to spend some quality time in the safe and familiar environment of the school. Each Wednesday afternoon, the qualified staff runs a range of activities designed to nurture the enthusiasm of the children and to meet their needs for action, fun, curiosity in their understanding of the surounding world.

Pricing & Payment

One session cost: £18.00 (£28.00 if you select one of the Wednesfull formule.)

Payments have to be made by transfer to KIDOLOISIRS' bank account
KIDOLOISIRS bank details are available on invoices you receive when your child is enrolled in an activity.

Registration to the workshop covers the whole term.
It is not possible to register for one or a couple of sessions.

When making your payment, the payment's reference needs to be the child's surname.

Wednesday Clubs Listing

Below, all the Wednesday Clubs for this term: