Summer Holiday Camp 2024

from 08 to 12 July 2024

To close this school year and allow your child to be usefully occupied while you work, Kidoloisirs has concocted for you an exceptional program of activities.
With its Summer Holiday Camp 2024, Kidoloisirs will make a difference. 

Holiday your children in London differently!
Give them a week of delicacies:
Nature, Culture, Encounters and Well-Being will be at the rendezvous.

Why ?

  • To welcome children by offering them a balanced program combining leisure, fun, discovery, cultural and educational activities in English and French.
  • Educate them in good nutrition, by making themselves actors of their diet.
  • Make them discover cultural sites and attractions that satisfy their curiosity and help them build well.
  • To allow parents to have a moment of respite while their children are welcomed in good conditions.
  • To allow children to continue learning while on vacation.
  • To give everyone an opportunity to live, go out, breathe and rejoice with playfulness.

For what purpose?

  • Propose during the week of Monday 10 to Friday 14 July full days of leisure activities aimed at intelligently occupying children and strengthening their skills, especially in the acquisition of new knowledge: explore, discover, manipulate, observe and respect others in English and French.
  • Offer shared collective action times to reconnect social ties and maintain attachment.
  • Strengthen the link with families.

Programme of activities

Period : from Monday 08 to Friday 12 July 2024 (5 days)

Time : From 08.30 am to 5.00 pm

Location : location close to the Wix school

Students concerned : This “Summer Holiday Camp” program is open to children in the following classes: MSA, GSA, CPA, CE1A, CE2A, CM1A et CM2A

Note: Only french classes are covered by these activities.

Cost per student:

  • £80 for a day of activity from 08.30 am to 5.00 pm

How to register?

to register your child, please select “Summer Holiday Camp registration” from the Clubs Registration menu.

Registration will open on Wednesday, June 5 at 7pm.

The number of places being limited, priority is given to registrations for the whole week.
All requests for day registrations will be processed based on the number of places remaining.

This program is indicative and may be subject to change.

In order for everything to go to plan, we would be grateful if you could:

1/ Drop off and pick up your children on time:

– Drop-off will be between 8.30am and 9.30am every morning.

  • St Vincent de Paul Church
  • 36 Altenburg Gardens
  • Battersea

– Pick-up will be at 5.00pm every evening at Wix school

We really have to stick to these times as we have quite a tight schedule.

2/ Please send your children with a small bag or back-pack containing:

  • Packed lunch
  • Morning snack
  • Afternoon snack (they’ll definitely need this!)
  • A reasonable size bottle of water (and a spare – it’s hard for us to get refills)
  • High protection sun-cream (please put a sticker with your child’s name on the sun cream – this is because of the risk of allergy for some children)
  • A change of clothes (t-shirt, trousers and underwear – especially for the smaller ones!)
  • A hat or cap
  • Raincoat just in case.

Please ensure that no allergenic products are put in the bags or in the lunch or snack packs. Very important!